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How how the computer functions related to math?


by Dave_113
: How does math relate to how a computer functions?

How does math apply to computer programming, and creating computer hardware?

Best answer:

Answer by Colanth

It doesn’t, really. The best the hardware can do is simple arithmetic and logic.

Answer by Kind_Lad

It depends what computer programming you’re doing. About the most complex math I’ve come across is 2s Compliment (’s_complement).

But if in programming you’re calculating geo-spatial data, for example, then you need much more complicated mathematics.

I’m not sure about hardware. I suspect video cards might be more complex as they compute physics, but that will be the computer programmer‘s job still.

Add your own answer in the comments! Ileana Padilla-Boyd is the director of Bright Starts, an education service in south Florida. She has been a teacher since…

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