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Can enter Chinese characters on the computer keyboard, how the Chinese people?


by León Juliano del Alba
: How can chinese people type chinese characters on a computer keyboard?

I understand that koreans have an alphabet and that japanese have katakana and hiragana, but in china…. How can they type chinese characters on a computer keyboard? and how easy is it?

Best answer:

Answer by Gaylord Hancock

there are characters on your keyboard so small you cant see. the chinese can cause they have sharp squinty eyes.

Answer by David

They get a special keyboard with 1000′s of keys and load the special program to allow all of their characters.

Answer by Austin Norton

On my iPhone keyboard you have to draw in the character

Answer by mtwelles

There is a system for writing Chinese characters with English letters called Pinyin. If you want to write the character for horse on your computer, which is pronounced “ma”, you type in “ma”, and hit a special key on your keyboard that shows you all the characters that are pronounced “ma”. Then you click on the character you want, in this case 馬, and it shows up on the screen.

Answer by Dart

There’s a keyboard for Chinese, too.

Answer by tutu

Chinese input Methods : Pinyin, Chang jie , Quick etc.


Chinese handwriting pad,

Answer by Great Dane

I am a Chinese and I find typing chinese characters easier using Han Yu Pin Yin – typing the pronunciation of the characters. There are other alternatives, but I would say most people typed via Han Yu Pin Yin.

Answer by Elena S

by pronunciation


by parts

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