Even if the computer is already turned off the computer to keep track of time?
by Br_T: How do computers keep track of the time even though the computer is already turned off?
How do they update the computer 2 AM at night too?
Is that the reason why my computer (desktop) clock becomes inaccurate after I didn’t use it for 2 – 3 weeks?
Best answer:
Answer by Mike C
There is a small button battery in every computer that keeps the clock going.
Windows only updates if the computer is switched on.
Answer by Kirsty
A computer has a battery or special chip that retains computer (CMOS) settings and runs the computer clock even after the computer itself is turned off. Small quartz battery in most computers.
Answer by Wes
computers have a cmos battery that holds basic info about your computer it looks like a watch battery or one you would use in a keyless car remote
Answer by Phil S
the motherboard inside ur computer has a battery on it, it looks like a big watch battery and this keeps the time while ur pc is switched off.
Answer by Buster
All computers have a small battery in the CMOS on the motherboard. So when you turn off your computer, the battery keeps the correct time. When you turn it back on it checks the internet when connected to update itself.
Answer by Mr Alby C
As long as your computer is plugged in to a power source, then the quartz clock inside keeps working. Also, once you connect to the internet the computer can get the time from Microsoft or other sites. And IF your computer is on standby then an automatic update can be detected and it will proceed to download and install without your consent as you are in bed snoring away.
Answer by Dunya
because of CMOS battery
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