How do I remove my computer from Windows mellinium?
by curious101: How do I remove windows mellinium from my computer?
I downloaded it and now my computer wont get out of safe mode. How do I remove it without hurting my computer?
Best answer:
Answer by Cookie Cutter
All you really can do, at this point, is hope you can load up in Safe Mode and do a System Restore. But I doubt that will work because you can’t run one operating system at the same time you run another. You must choose which one to run at Startup. It should ask you. Did you remove win98 or is it still on there too. Try to enter your computer‘s Setup Screen (BIOS) by tapping either F8, F1, F10 or F2 whenever Windows first starts. Tap several times until you hear a beep. You may have to retry several times with the differt F keys until you enter the BIOS. Once inside the BIOS, change the setting to Dual-Boot/Dual O/S Mode (it may be named differently) and now when you restart it should ask you which to boot up; Win98 or WinME. If at all possible, get rid of WinME and go back to Win98. It’s much more stable than the ridiculously flawed WinME. good luck
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