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Speakers connected to my computer?


by Tom Paganhandle
: How do I connect speakers to my computer?

These aren’t computer speakers, there for a music system or a tv. But my dad won’t go out and buy new computer speakers because he thinks these will work. How do I connect them to my computer?

Best answer:

Answer by Hagen

You cannot connect regular hi-fi speakers to a computer.

You need proper computer speakers that have an inbuilt active amplifier as part of the package.

They are not particularly expensive to buy, unless you want exceptional quality.

Answer by WiseOne

More than likely they won’t. You neglected to say what kind of connectors the speakers have so no one is going to be able to offer you any real help. Computers use a 1/8″ stereo jack for speakers. You might be able to buy some adapters to convert the connectors on the speakers to 1/8″, but you’ll end up spending money which seems like what your dad wants to avoid. Tell him not be such a cheapskate and spend $ 20 or $ 30 on a cheap set of computer speakers.

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