How shortened from computer start and shutdown process?
by simishta: How to speedup the startup and shutdown process in the Computer?
My computer takes tooo time to start and shutdown . Cani reduced it?
Best answer:
Answer by blackfox
yes, first click :
run> type msconfig
then go into the startup tap and untick any unwanted startup programs.
then go to the boot tab and click advanced and make sure the number of processors are to max ie 1 and the ram is set to max
go to run and type regedit and scroll to :
then set WaitToKillServiceTimeout to 5000 this will shutdown much quicker
Answer by Anton
yes you can!
first the easy stuff. before proceeding any futher make sure you close all open programs and back up your files just in case.
if you have junk lying around all over your hdd-delete it.
you will be amazed what you will find: installations of games that you stopped plaing for years, perhaps backups. then it would be useful to defragment your hard drive.
this will “rearange” your hdd space so the hdd doesnt have to look too far for fragments of data, it just piles it and organises it if you vista just type in defragmenter in the search bar-disk defragmenter should come up. just defragment the drive-could take a few hours if you never done it before and depending how full your hdd (hard drive) is.
the next thing is to repair your disk, scan for errors.
go to my computer and right click on your default drive.
click properties.
in the tools tab you should see disk cleanup.
this will likely take a while because sometimes it has to restart.
after this the fun begins.
another reason why your pc takes ages to boot up is because it has to start many services that you may not need. in vista in control panel you will find manage startup programs. it will give you a description of what it is. in XP though it is not that simple but a quick google of “how to manage startup services in xp ” should do the trick. after that is done and over with restart your computer.
before the logo of the make appears, or anything for that matter try pressing esc, f2, f10 ,and f12. one of these should work. also enter could work.
if successful you will acsess the BIOS-(Basic imput output system.)
this is where you can really do some fixing. you will find boot somewhere. now you should see the order of which the computer fires up its devices. it could be something like this.
1-optical drive
3-hard drive
obviously most of the stuff is stored on the hdd so if you move the hdd into first place it should improve your start up time.
hope this helps.
if you use xp it is largely the same but the defragmenter will be found in accessories/sytem tools.
Answer by Anand G
Hey jus go to start>run and type there msconfig
Go to startup and click disable all
And jus see the effect and reply
Answer by Dunbar Pappy
For Windows, a reliable & fast start-up often depends on how the system is put away.
Turning a Windows system “OFF” (from ‘Start> Turn Off Computer…’ button) is not the best way to put your system away for the night (or extended periods) and forcing a shutdown with the power button is NEVER a good option; only a last resort.
It prevents Windows from ‘housekeeping’ system files to get ready for the next start-up, and may, over time, cause file corruption; slow down; even break Windows.
A vastly improved method is ‘Hibernation’.
Shutdowns using the ‘hibernate’ method gives several benefits: It’s a near zero power state; all ‘Startup’ folder items are already loaded, Windows background services are already ‘up’, and all open work moves to the hard drive, yielding really fast start-ups.
And if power is lost (storms, etc.) the document or picture you were working on won’t be lost like it would be in ‘Standby’ mode, and the system will resume just where you left it.
Go to Start> Control Panel> Power Options> Hibernate: here check the box.
To show this option when turning unit off; Start> Turn Off Computer> HOLD down ‘Shift’ key & ‘Standby’ becomes “Hibernate’: tick that.
(Some systems have a ‘crescent moon’ key to go right to hibernate).
Emergency power outage can occur without any affect on the system; the trouble comes when the power is restored, which can cause a “spike” which will likely cause damage to the system (as with any configuration).
To start up, push the power button, and Windows will resume right where you left it, bada bing.
Answer by Pcfre
Clean windows registry can speed up the computer.
Over time, you install new programs, uninstalled unimportant programs, update software’s, install new devices,
download files from the web, etcetera, hence embarking all records in the registry system.
This is normal, but it is not wise to leave it untouched.
Once in a while, you have to check and remove files that are no longer in use to maintain the speed of your PC.
Clean registry make pc faster.
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