Computer Question: My computer has not been updated since 1993, or the time?
by BT : Computer question: my computer has not been updated since 1993 or thereabouts?
The computer uses the Me operating system. Aside from buying another computer, what can i do to update my computer so that I can enjoy x-box live?
Best answer:
Answer by Limesticks
Xbox live is for the xbox 360, not for the PC. Buy a xbox 360 if you want xbox live.
Answer by Jon
As stated before, Xbox Live is only for the Xbox 360 console.
You may be talking about Windows Live Games, which is the largest online system for PC games, aside from Steam.
It will not work on an operating system lower than Windows 2000.
You may be able to keep your computer, if you buy new physical drivers and hardware, and along with that install lots of new software. But that is more expensive..
What I recommend you do is simply buy a new computer. It is a lot cheaper than trying to keep updating your old computer, and there are a lot of other benefits to buying the latest computers. Also, if you are looking for the actual X-Box live, the only alternative is to buy an X-Box 360, wait for a potential new X-Box, or pay an unknown tech guy from the internet to modify your computer so it works like an X-Box which is very dangerous and could be a scam.
Answer by Justin
Very well put Jon. I would have gave you a thumbs up, but i’m only a level 1.
Plus BT, you definitely want to get away from WindowME ASAP. Your life should be much easier after the upgrade.
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