What is a good game for a cheap computer?
by Sexy: What is a good and cheap computer for gaming?
My current computer is getting a bit rusty and can’t handle anything so I want to get a good computer that can run games well, but i don’t know what kind of computer I should get. Pre made computers are the most helpful since i don’t really now how to make computers myself.
Best answer:
Answer by Dakota
Alienware X51. It’s what I use and I love it. I bought it on eBay for $ 600 but that’s the price you pay for an amazing gaming computer
Answer by Ryan
Well. Pre-made PCs in the Budget area are pretty bad, they use the worst graphics card possible and just put “1gb card“. They will also skimp on as many parts as possible for higher profit margin.
If you have a friend, or a local computer store who knows what they are doing ask them. They will be able to save you some money in getting a prebuilt.
For £400
Zalman Z11 Plus Case
Intel Core i3 3220
nVidia 650ti
Corsair CX600W
WD Caviar Blue 500GB HDD
8GB 1600MHz RAM
That is superior to the X51, and will come at about $ 450 USD as PC parts are cheaper in the US. You also will get new parts.
Answer by Brady
Alienware is garbage. Do a custom build. You get so much more for your money. Look at the bundles they have on: Newegg.com
Answer by zanzabar4ky7
you can do it yourself, that is the only way to get a good gaming rig (unless you have the budget for a boutique build,) everything fits one way and should take you no more than 2 hours while being about 40% cheaper.
i can get you a parts list or a pre built recommendation if you post a budget, but if you have less than about $ 1250 i would build your own since you will not find something good prebuilt.
edit- do you live near a micro center.
Answer by Geoffric DarksideRG
I have designed this nice gaming computer for you:
Spend $ 20 on a book called building pcs for dummies. Its what I used. Its real easy all ytou need is a screw driver.
Also instructional video at newegg here:
Answer by Frank
It depends upon which games you want to play on your computer. But a sound graphics card and RAM of 4 GB is a must have condition for good gaming experience.
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