What is the importance of having a router on your computer?
by Zeta Baneta Private Investigator: What is the importance of having a router on your computer ?
And what are the best ways to protect your computer from being hacked or receiving viruses?
Which virus protection is best?
And last if one computer has a virus can it infect any other computers in the home such as a laptop?
Best answer:
Answer by None
A router is a hardware device that routes your internet traffic to the correct destination.
The best ways to protect a computer from being hacked are as follows:
1.Update your computer. Always keep your computer up to date with the latest patches from the vendor.
2. If your router has a firewall built into it, by all means turn it on. If you are using a Windows operating system, turn on your windows firewall.
3. Install a good antivirus program, and keep it up to date. Most antivirus programs will need to be updated almost daily.
4. Don’t install random crap from the internet. If the program doesn’t come from a reputable vendor, or has many reviews from an independent source, don’t download it.
5. Be mindful of what websites you visit. One of the most common ways to attack a computer, is through a malicious website.
There are many free antivirus programs available. Most people will recommend AVG Free or Avast!. I personally use AVG Free on my Windows computers, but either will work well. You may want to supplement those with an antispyware program such as Malwarebytes.
It is possible that a virus can infect other machines. These types of viruses are called worms. They actually spread themselves through the internet, and private networks.
Answer by Tech_guy
a router is not on your computer, they are on your network.
a router will split up a network, provide basic security by blocking unauthorized access to it clients or nodes connected to it.
there is no real best virus protection.
I prefer symantec products such as norton 2010 and 360
for free editions I recommend windows security essentials and avg although I am more likely to recommend avast over avg for various technical reasons.
virus can spread from computer to computer with out user interaction.
trojans require human interaction to spread: example you download a song via limeware (illegal) it contains a trojan, you share it on your network and play it on you laptop. laptop now has the potential of being infected if not protected by a recent antivirus program with latest definitions.
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