Like before the Internet and the computer?
by Donna: What were computers like before the internet?
I know computers existed before the internet but I never actually used a computer until 1998. So what were they like before the internet?
Best answer:
Answer by ζЃФ˃ЖㄊೠΨقฏษ
Monochrome monitors…either green text, white text, or even amber text on a black screen. I used to go on BBS (bulletin board systems) to chat & DL stuff. Prodigy was one of the first subscription services I used. But mainly it was for actual *work*. My first modem was a plug-in Hayes 1200 baud. But you’ve probably never heard of baud before.
Answer by Meh, Internets
They did the same things they do today, just today’s do it better. They were used for record keeping, word processing, running devices, etc.
If you really want to get the feel for it, go get an old computer (’95 era) and install DOS on it. Or you can install DOS in Virtualbox and play with that.
Answer by AKchem
You could type papers, play games, and… That was about it I believe.
Answer by brisray
In the mid 80′s you could more or less what you can do today except things like video editing. All the major applications spreadsheets, word processing, desk top publishing were already well established by then.
You could even do 3D ray tracing using programs like POV if you didn’t mind waiting for a day or so. I once made a font on my old 8086 that took three days to render. There were even monochrome image creation programs around.
Games were pretty good and would display in a whole 16 colors once CGA and EGA were introduced. – my first home computer. I got the twin 5 1/4″ floppy disk version and upgrading it to 3 1/2″ floppies and a 32Mb hard drive cost me an arm and a leg. One of the best things I ever did on it was learn QBasic, Basic2, C and a little assembler programming on it.
Answer by Securitytttt
look up transistor computers on you tube LOL i love the math and the clicking and clacking
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